Finding Your Strengths - An Intuitive Collage Using Your Hand as a Map

In this class, you will learn a creative process that will help reveal your strengths. Finding Your Strengths can be Intuitive and Fun

Finding Your Strengths can be Intuitive and Fun

In this class, you will learn a creative process that will help reveal your strengths. I will show you how it can be as simple as tracing your hand and then doing a brainstorming session, which will take you no more than 10 minutes. Or you can take it several steps further to go even deeper spending hours on end enjoying the process.

This is NOT about creating a finished product, this is a therapeutic process for you to enjoy. The more you put in the creative playtime, the more profound your results can be. And none of this has to be hard.  

There is no right or wrong way to do this, this class will show you some possibilities and it is up to you to make whatever art is wanting to come up with. I am simply your guide and this class will help prompt you on your own adventure.  

You do not need any experience or even specific supplies. I really want you to work with what you have in a way that works for you and work at your own skill level. Being comfortable is so much more important than trying to be something you are not.

Course Curriculum - 7 Lessons (1h 10m)